This module contains the Fixed LengthFile Format.
John Doe
To decode from the given Fixed-Length string you need to apply @FixedLength(length = n)
data class Names(
@FixedLength(5) val firstName: String,
@FixedLength(5) val lastName: String
FixedLengthFormat.decodeFromString(Names.serializer(), flf)
And to encode:
FixedLengthFormat.encodeToString(Names.serializer(), Names("John", "Doe"))
John Doe
The order of the properties of the class must match the order of the fields!
All whitespaces are trimmed.
Because this format does not have any delimiters, there is no check, if a given length is too long and consumes the next value.
Because this format does not have any delimiters, it is not possible to decode/encode primitives. You must use a class with
annotated properties.Inner lists are not supported, eg.
data class NotSupported(val innerList: List<String>)
This module contains the Fixed LengthFile Format.
John Doe
To decode from the given Fixed-Length string you need to apply @FixedLength(length = n)
data class Names(
@FixedLength(5) val firstName: String,
@FixedLength(5) val lastName: String
FixedLengthFormat.decodeFromString(Names.serializer(), flf)
And to encode:
FixedLengthFormat.encodeToString(Names.serializer(), Names("John", "Doe"))
John Doe
The order of the properties of the class must match the order of the fields!
All whitespaces are trimmed.
Because this format does not have any delimiters, there is no check, if a given length is too long and consumes the next value.
Because this format does not have any delimiters, it is not possible to decode/encode primitives. You must use a class with
annotated properties.Inner lists are not supported, eg.
data class NotSupported(val innerList: List<String>)